Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Robert Pattinson Cut His Hair...

Yes, he cut off that disheveled mess, girls. I personally thought he should have a long time ago. Though I did like the "Edward" hair for the movie... I'm sure everyone is freaking, but his hair will grow out before March. I swear, I think I have to cut my kids hair every four weeks or so to keep their styles and when I don't heaven help us all! There is nothing that can lay their bed head down... ha ha ha. I digress.

So, what do you think of Pattinson's new quaff? I like it. I was watching E! news last night and wanted to change it so bad, but I had to see his new 'do. Am I sad or what?! And those smart producers or whatever saved the pics for last so I kept the station on the whole time... Tell me what you think- I'm adding a poll.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Why?!!... Something completely unrelated to Midnight Sun

Can I ask a question please? Okay, 2 questions.... What is the big deal with replacing Taylor Lautner as Jacob? I've made my daily rounds with Twilight updates and whatnot, and it seems that the major thing right now is whether or not Taylor Lautner will resume his role as Jacob Black.

I just don't get it. Taylor is a cute kid and it worked for Twilight, but in the following novels his character physically grows quite significantly and is basically a 20 something year old man physically, but is still 16. Yeah, I read that Taylor has gained like 19 lbs of muscle, but has he grown like 5 inches?? I also read that if he is signed he will guarantee another 10 lbs by filming in March. Impressive, I guess. Who would want to give their part up in this francise, afterall? I would fight for it too. I give him that much. Because of his heart, I think I will root for him some.

Michael Copon has been openly interested in this particular part. Though he is a handsome guy, I don't know if it could work... with that said, if Taylor doesn't get the part, I myself would be more than happy to see Steven Strait in the role. Has anyone seen 10,000 b.c.? Or the Covenant? He is quite the looker if I may say so myself.

I just don't think it's necessary for the fans (although they claim to be die hard) to boycott the movie if Taylor isn't chosen for the part. I believe they are empty threats- they'll go see it anyways because if they don't, say goodbye to Eclipse and Breaking Dawn on the big screen. The movie guys will make the best money making decision, I'm confident of that. Overeacting and making a fuss will NOT get anyone anything they want. It's like my 2 year old when he freaks, I don't give in because if I do, he will think that he calls the shots. Sad, but true Twilighters, we don't call the shots, so I think everyone needs to take a chill pill and sit back and relax.

This goes for the Midnight Sun people too. I want all of it too, we just need to be patient and hope this francise doesn't eat itself alive. I'm very tired today, I hope I've made some sense in this entry. Please, overzealous ones, as Stephenie Meyer said, "Torches and pitchforks are not going to be necessary."

Thursday, December 18, 2008

HOLY CROW! ha ha ha

We are over 41,000 names on the petition. The site is staying busy with lots of traffic- I'm glad that mostly everyone is enjoying themselves when they visit. Again, to those that follow this particular blog, thanks for the support! Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 12, 2008


First, it has been so long since I last posted. Just getting ready for Christmas and sick kids... again. But I posted this on the forum on http://www.savemidnightsun.com/

I figured I should address this "issue" since it has been made into one. Over the last few weeks, I've received dozens of emails asking about the future of this site. I've also received a few "hate" emails about how it is going to be my fault that Midnight Sun is going to not be written.
First, here is a quote from Stephenie Meyer herself in an interview from ew.com

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Is Midnight Sun still dead to you, or can you see finishing and publishing it in the future?

STEPHENIE MEYER: It's really complicated, because everyone now is in the driver's seat, where they can make judgment calls. ''Well, I think this should happen, I think she should do this.'' I do not feel alone with the manuscript. And I cannot write when I don't feel alone. So my goal is to go for, like, I don't know, two years without ever hearing the words Midnight Sun. And once I'm pretty sure that everyone's forgotten about it, I think I'll be able to get to the place where I'm alone with it again. Then I'll be able to sneak in and work on it again.

With this quote here, I'm understanding this as more that she wants the business aspect to chill... not her fans. She doesn't answer to us (the fans), she answers to herself and makes her decisions with her publishers and whoever else is involved.

That being said, I'm going to continue to keep the site running and collecting signatures as I have since the site went live on the internet. I also invite further discussion on the message boards. This site is here for viewing and it is my hope that Stephenie Meyer has indeed seen this site. She has many adoring and loyal fans to the Twilight series, that's for sure. That is the very purpose of this site... we the fans are united in solidarity for the support of Stephenie Meyer and her characters that she so lovingly created for us... Edward in particular- ha ha!

Yes, Midnight Sun is what we fans are desperate to have. It will come, eventually- let's keep hope strong and continue with our support of our favorite author. Let's help Save Midnight Sun through our kind words and support- let's see how many signatures we can get... how cool would it be to get a million signatures to show her how much we care for her and this particular project?!

Hopefully, I've shed some light for those that were confused or angry with this site. I'm proud to have thought of it as I'm proud that you all have joined in to help with this "cause". Take care and "Be Safe" to all


Wednesday, October 29, 2008


The Website is back up now and we are over 10,100+ names strong on the petition. I think that that is great!

One other thing I would like to address while I'm here and my kids are somewhat calm at the moment- To anyone who cares:

I DON'T KNOW STEPHENIE MEYER IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM! I get emails constantly asking about her and what her plans are. I've even gotten some emails of fans who think I'm actually her. I will be putting a disclaimer up on the site soon.

In reality, I'm just a fan like all of you. I don't shout out "I love Edward Cullen" or "I want to be a vampire too". (that's a whole other issue that I will post about later) I'm just a huge fan who would really love to see Midnight Sun finished. Before the Twilight Series, life was busy (it still is) and I never found time to read. I did chores up until the time I went to bed and worked on stuff for church and caught up on things that I couldn't fit into my day after my kids go to bed.

Everything changed after the birth of my 3rd son and I needed some serious down time. My older sister was seriously bugging me to read this book called Twilight and I told her I would. I hate to admit that it sat on my nightstand for 3 months until I finally decided to pick it up. I KNOW! When I finished, I couldn't believe this amazing story sat there unopened for so long. Well, the rest is history and since I've made time to read different types of books. I guess I can say that Stephenie Meyer turned me back on to literature. So, thanks to my own sister and Stephenie Meyer (who I don't know)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just an Update

Hi to all that check this blog regularly. Save Midnight Sun has been down for about 2 days now. Something happened to the server and it's going to be a couple of days according the guy hosting all of our stuff. It stinks because we can't get signatures these last couple of days and we were just about to break 10,000! Which I think is amazing.

On a lighter note, I went to Books A Million this morning in the midst of running my errands. I got the Twilight Movie Illustrated Movie Companion! I've only flipped through it as life tends to stay busy in my house until about 6:30ish and when the kids are in bed, I will sit down and really thumb through it. I'm very excited- not too much longer until the movie.

So, I've downloading all the books in the series on my ipod. It's been fun listening, but the lady voice kind of annoys me (the one reading Twilight). It makes no difference to me though because the story is just really good. I go to my happy place and listen intently while I fold clothes or jump on my eliptical (in my latest attempt to lose a few extra pounds). I even listen while I wait in the carpool line to pick my oldest son up from school. I don't do it everyday, but on particularly blase days.

Well, life calls- take care to all fellow fans and please keep checking back to http://savemidnightsun.com - hopefully it will be up soon. I know I have my fingers crossed- I'm working on a couple of things for the site and I'm anxious to get things going again.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Just thought I'd post for those that venture into my blog! I'm very excited and there are some great stills....


I came across these stills when I visited http://www.twilight20somethings.com/ This is a really cool twilight site. It has a lot of stuff and it's fun! I'm going to try and affiliate with them for http://savemidnightsun.com. Enjoy the pics!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Just a Funny Thought

My sister and I were talking and we are getting so excited about the Twilight Movie. You can view the Trailer from this link http://www.myspace.com/trailerpark

Wow, I think this one was my favorite one so far. They were all good, but this one was great!

So, back to our conspiracy theory of Twilight... Leah (my sister) and I have decided that Stephenie Meyer has put subliminal messages in her books to keep us coming back and wanting more. It's like an addiction of sorts, you just need that one chapter to get you through the day. ha ha ha! We have been quiet addicts thus far, but now I can't hold it in anymore! I've been reading other books like crazy to keep my mind occupied on other things, but I always come back for my "fix". Am I sad or what?! I've nonchalantly told friends and family that it's just something that I enjoy, but I find myself uncontrollably giddy while watching the movie trailers and while I read. I 've come out of the closet finally and I feel relieved!! I'm Jaime, and I'm a Twilight addict! FREEDOM AT LAST!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Okay Twilight Fans-
It's hard to regulate the petition because there are so many names now, so we all need to help eachother. Our goal is to keep it as authentic as possible. Please quit signing any member of the "Cullen Family" or any silly names like most recently Big Bird From Sesame Street (which has since been removed!). THAT right there is mocking what we real Twilight Fans are trying to do. Please be nice because this is something that means a lot to many of us-ergo the 7,000+ names from all over the world! Take care to everyone!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Catching up

Hey to the 5 of you (including me) that frequent this blog. ha ha ha! Life has just taken over. All 3 of my kids have been really sick with a bug that has been going around. My oldest started with it about 2 weeks ago, then my middle child had it all last week and now my 7 month old has it. Man, am I tired these days... enough about me...

So, I can't believe it! We are over 7,200 names on the petition now! That is amazing- literally people from ALL over the world are in this effort by just signing their name. I get quite a few emails from people thanking me for doing this site. I just want to say thank for the support always and actually visiting the site. Stephenie will see what a loyal, understanding and united fan base she has and maybe this could convince her in due time to finish Midnight Sun.

I know you can send letters to via mail to Stephenie. I wonder how many letters she has gotten? Anyways, on our Forum on http://savemidnightsun.com you can sign up and there is a section where you can leave a personal letter to Stephenie if you would like. I hope that everyone will visit and leave her a note of support. There are personal letters all over the forum, which is fine with me, but I did start a new section for those that are interested.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So I have a good friend that sent me a link to this blog...


I've been perusing it and this chick is so freakin hilarious. I just thought I would share with you all and she's got some pretty yummy pictures of "Movie Edward" (that's what she calls him) Very cool. Anyways, enjoy!

Petition is close to 5,000 now! YESSSSSSS!

A Special THANKS to His Golden Eyes

Last Thursday the 11th, Hisgoldeneyes.com posted a pretty big blurb for us on their homepage. WOW! is all I have to say! Our traffic has gone up significantly and our petition is reaching 6000! We got over 1200 hits to our site on Thursday alone. That's a lot to me at least.

I also want to thank our International fans for emailing me and signing the petition as well. There are so many people that love this series and particularly the cause to save Midnight Sun.

Please stay tuned, we want to keep the momentum going!

Stephenie Meyer on Ellen today

I watched the 5 minute interview this morning on the Ellen show. Stephenie seemed a little nervous to me and I was a bit dissappointed that the interview wasn't longer. It was more like chit chat to me. Oh well, at least our favorite series got plugged on a way cool show!

Friday, September 12, 2008

It's Hard Not to Get "Sucked" In...

Yes, I amuse myself with my sometimes witty wit. ha ha ha. But it's the truth. It's hard to not get sucked into this world that Stephenie Meyer has created. I've said to people that it is a nice, cheap vacation from the trials of life. Why not?! We all need to get away sometimes. I have to tear myself away to actually read something else. I have to actually disconnect. That will be my one and only confession- I think. But it has been such a pleasure getting email and reading comments from fans on the forum page. These books are fantastic in that the characters almost feel like they could be real "people". Do you not concur?! When the series was over, I was a little sad because I felt like I would never be able to read about them again. But there was Midnight Sun- I could look forward to that. And with my cup full of optimism, I will continue to look foward to the completed version of Midnight Sun I hope that Stephenie will change her mind when she is ready.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Hey to those who haven't been to http://www.savemidnightsun.com

Our petition as of 8:30 am eastern time- we are at 1,991! Within the next few minutes we will break the 2000 mark, I'm sure! That is something because with our petition, we have been doing our best to make sure to keep the authenticity and keep the numbers as accurate as possible. Many people have emailed me and asked me why they couldn't sign it dozens of times. That's fine if you choose to do this, but I want Stephenie to see how many fans are behind her, so if you do, it will literally take hours to accomplish this. So on our petition there are probably a handful of repeats, I believe. We are very proud of what has been accomplished so far with this effort. The Twilight fans are so great! We continue to work together for your support, Stephenie. If you've seen the site, I hope that you liked it.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


We have designed a simple bookmark that can be downloaded and printed off on a printer. My idea for this is to get everyone involved with this. All you need is cardstock and access to print. Once you've printed off the desired amount of bookmarks, then you go to your local bookstore, coffee shop, nail salon, local library or school library, or anywhere you would find someone reading a book- talk to the person in charge and see if you could leave a stack of bookmarks at the check out or wherever they would be visible to the patrons of the business. Our hope is that this will get the word out even more!! Click the link to go straight to the downloads page


T-shirt and Bookmark downloads NOW AVAILABLE!

Hey Guys and Girls-

We've got the t-shirts and bookmarks images up for you to get to work-if you choose.
My favorite is the Amuse me Stephenie t-shirt. I laughed as the images came together, because I love "witty" t-shirts. I, myself, have quite the collection running. That one will be in my collection for sure. We've got more designs in the works, so keep checking back if nothing catches you eye right away.

Also, if you check out the forum, we're also taking suggestions for t-shirts. Send us your ideas and it might get chosen! There are soooo many creative twilight fans out there. It's so cool.

Friday, September 5, 2008

One more thing...

Here's an assignment for anyone who wants to work. Go to any or as many different forums and websites that you can find that talks about Midnight Sun. Copy and paste our link and lets get the traffic really going. Thanks to all who have already been doing this. We're all rockstars!


We've received overwhelming support at http://www.savemidnightsun.com. We are approaching 800 signatures from all over the world in just under 4 days now! Wow, what an accomplishment that is considering we're barely on the map. I hope that this will stay steady because I desperately want to get Stephenie Meyer's attention with this. She has to see what an incredible, loyal fanbase she has.

Stay tuned to http://www.savemidnightsun.com! We're getting ready to get geared up for some action! Get your printers warmed up, guys, we've got some work ahead to do... if you're up to it!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Don't forget about the petition!


Amazing Midnight Sun Fans!

The response has been overwhelming at Savemidnightsun.com!!
We are approaching almost 400 names now. I hope that the response continues at the pace it is going... How exciting this is- It is my hope that this will reach Stephenie Meyer, help her through
her trials, and give her the strength to dive back in and complete the much anticipated (and needed) Midnight Sun!! We love your stories- hold on and be strong, we (the fans) are behind you 100%!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Thanks Amanda in Cananda!

Amanda from Canada sent me an email and gave us the suggestion to allow for other locations outside of the U.S.

Sorry to the international fans- you can now participate in our petition to Save Midnight Sun.

You rock, Amanda from Canada!

Save Midnight Sun


Hello to All of the Twilight Fans out there!

I wanted to try out this blogging thing since I have a new website that I wanted to share with the Twilight Fans everywhere and most importantly I hope that it will reach the main person it was designed to help- Stephenie Meyer!

There is now a website dedicated especially for saving Midnight Sun http://www.savemidnightsun.com/