Saturday, October 11, 2008


Just thought I'd post for those that venture into my blog! I'm very excited and there are some great stills....

I came across these stills when I visited This is a really cool twilight site. It has a lot of stuff and it's fun! I'm going to try and affiliate with them for Enjoy the pics!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Just a Funny Thought

My sister and I were talking and we are getting so excited about the Twilight Movie. You can view the Trailer from this link

Wow, I think this one was my favorite one so far. They were all good, but this one was great!

So, back to our conspiracy theory of Twilight... Leah (my sister) and I have decided that Stephenie Meyer has put subliminal messages in her books to keep us coming back and wanting more. It's like an addiction of sorts, you just need that one chapter to get you through the day. ha ha ha! We have been quiet addicts thus far, but now I can't hold it in anymore! I've been reading other books like crazy to keep my mind occupied on other things, but I always come back for my "fix". Am I sad or what?! I've nonchalantly told friends and family that it's just something that I enjoy, but I find myself uncontrollably giddy while watching the movie trailers and while I read. I 've come out of the closet finally and I feel relieved!! I'm Jaime, and I'm a Twilight addict! FREEDOM AT LAST!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Okay Twilight Fans-
It's hard to regulate the petition because there are so many names now, so we all need to help eachother. Our goal is to keep it as authentic as possible. Please quit signing any member of the "Cullen Family" or any silly names like most recently Big Bird From Sesame Street (which has since been removed!). THAT right there is mocking what we real Twilight Fans are trying to do. Please be nice because this is something that means a lot to many of us-ergo the 7,000+ names from all over the world! Take care to everyone!