Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's Been Months... I KNOW!

Hello to the 3 or 4 people that still maybe might be checking out this blog. Life gets in the way to say the least. I've been obsessively following the happenings of the filming of New Moon. I can't wait. I think I can safely say that my husband is pretty excited too. He frequently asks me what's new and he likes to know about the cast.

But first...

If you check the date and the post of my cast list (which is not perfect, I'll admit) but I totally called it and got it right when I chose Dakota Fanning as Jane and the kid they cast for Alec (sorry I can't come up with it off the top of my head). I chose him in my mind because he always plays creepy characters and I thought he would be perfect. Either someone of importance saw my casting suggestions or I'm just that good. I like to believe that both are true even if they're not. ha ha

As for SaveMidnightSun.com...

I will admit that I have done nothing to the site and I got so overwhelmed with the constant flow of email, that I had to just not check it anymore... at least for a while. Sorry to everyone who is still waiting for a reply. I have over 2000 emails sitting in my inbox... yeah. I know. what do you do with that. And my husband continues to check stats and we are still getting 2000+ hits a day. Man, the dedication of the fans, right? It's pretty rad if I may say so myself. I will have to admit though, I've checked some of the posts on the forum and some people get pretty heated. So, if you're one of those, simma down now. Anyways, just wanted to check in and say hi. Hi. Now I must go fetch my 2 year old from pre-school right after I wake my 1 year old up. Laters guys and gals.