Wednesday, October 29, 2008


The Website is back up now and we are over 10,100+ names strong on the petition. I think that that is great!

One other thing I would like to address while I'm here and my kids are somewhat calm at the moment- To anyone who cares:

I DON'T KNOW STEPHENIE MEYER IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM! I get emails constantly asking about her and what her plans are. I've even gotten some emails of fans who think I'm actually her. I will be putting a disclaimer up on the site soon.

In reality, I'm just a fan like all of you. I don't shout out "I love Edward Cullen" or "I want to be a vampire too". (that's a whole other issue that I will post about later) I'm just a huge fan who would really love to see Midnight Sun finished. Before the Twilight Series, life was busy (it still is) and I never found time to read. I did chores up until the time I went to bed and worked on stuff for church and caught up on things that I couldn't fit into my day after my kids go to bed.

Everything changed after the birth of my 3rd son and I needed some serious down time. My older sister was seriously bugging me to read this book called Twilight and I told her I would. I hate to admit that it sat on my nightstand for 3 months until I finally decided to pick it up. I KNOW! When I finished, I couldn't believe this amazing story sat there unopened for so long. Well, the rest is history and since I've made time to read different types of books. I guess I can say that Stephenie Meyer turned me back on to literature. So, thanks to my own sister and Stephenie Meyer (who I don't know)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel the same way I may be only 11 but i read to much compared to kids my own age. When i finally picked the book up I was mad that I had not picked the book up sooner. So i hope if u meet her tell her i said hi!