Friday, September 12, 2008

It's Hard Not to Get "Sucked" In...

Yes, I amuse myself with my sometimes witty wit. ha ha ha. But it's the truth. It's hard to not get sucked into this world that Stephenie Meyer has created. I've said to people that it is a nice, cheap vacation from the trials of life. Why not?! We all need to get away sometimes. I have to tear myself away to actually read something else. I have to actually disconnect. That will be my one and only confession- I think. But it has been such a pleasure getting email and reading comments from fans on the forum page. These books are fantastic in that the characters almost feel like they could be real "people". Do you not concur?! When the series was over, I was a little sad because I felt like I would never be able to read about them again. But there was Midnight Sun- I could look forward to that. And with my cup full of optimism, I will continue to look foward to the completed version of Midnight Sun I hope that Stephenie will change her mind when she is ready.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Hey to those who haven't been to

Our petition as of 8:30 am eastern time- we are at 1,991! Within the next few minutes we will break the 2000 mark, I'm sure! That is something because with our petition, we have been doing our best to make sure to keep the authenticity and keep the numbers as accurate as possible. Many people have emailed me and asked me why they couldn't sign it dozens of times. That's fine if you choose to do this, but I want Stephenie to see how many fans are behind her, so if you do, it will literally take hours to accomplish this. So on our petition there are probably a handful of repeats, I believe. We are very proud of what has been accomplished so far with this effort. The Twilight fans are so great! We continue to work together for your support, Stephenie. If you've seen the site, I hope that you liked it.